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Jessica Chung

Blogger + Artist

BEGINNER Skill Level

1 HOUR Duration

Let’s make this year the best one yet! In this course, you’ll learn how to develop a planner system that finally gets you organized and helps you stay on track to hit your goals. No more half-started planners. Let’s finally figure out a planner system that works for your lifestyle!

Based on Jessica’s experience trying out all kinds of planner setups, she’ll walk you through the pros and cons of each. You’ll learn about various planner types, get ideas for lists and trackers to include in your own planner, and inspiration on how to customize your planner with lettering, illustration, stamps, and more!


  • Pick a planner that is right for you.
  • Choose what kinds of trackers and lists to use.
  • Customize your planner with various setups and creative features to add in.

This is not a cookie-cutter class where you’ll get a final system presented to you as a final project. Instead, Jessica wants to help you figure out what will work for you and arm you with all of info you need to make that decision.

Let’s get started! Enroll in our Unlock Your Planner Potential online class today!

Psst! You'll get access to a 10% off Passion Planner code AND a 30% off inkWELL Press code in your class downloads! Woot!


  • The 10-page course workbook (included in your class downloads)
  • A planner of choice (optional)


  • A welcome message from Jessica
  • A list of planners and supplies that are mentioned in the class (for your reference)
  • 3 questions to help you find your planner purpose
  • Figuring out your planner style
  • Pros and cons of various planners
  • Ideas for various lists you can include in your planner
  • Ideas for various trackers you can include in your planner

Unlock Your Planner Potential

Get organized your way by learning how to set up a planner system that works for your lifestyle!

Purchase this course individually

Please note you will not be refunded if you decide to upgrade to our B+C All Access Pass.


Get access to this course *PLUS 120+ others, for one low price.

$10 / MONTH $96 / YEAR (SAVE 20%)

No fees. Cancel anytime.

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    Love this class, very informative and fun.

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