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Shanna Skidmore

Financial Coach + Strategist

BEGINNER Skill Level

35 MINS Duration


  • Understand the numbers and make the money conversation less scary
  • Track and manage your expenses using class worksheets and software resources
  • Form year-round money management habits for smooth sailing on tax day

You’re a #girlboss who has started your first business. But now it’s time to make sure your finances are in order, right? Here to teach you how to make money doing what you love is business strategist and financial coach Shanna Skidmore. After taking her class, you’ll feel confident that your business financials are organized and on the right track.

All you need to take this course are the class worksheets, prepared by Shanna, that are available for download after purchase.


  • Creating A Chart Of Accounts
  • Chart Of Accounts Example
  • Money Date Checklist
  • Resources

Money Management For Small Businesses Class

Build a money-making creative business with strategist and financial coach Shanna Skidmore.

Purchase this course individually

Please note you will not be refunded if you decide to upgrade to our B+C All Access Pass.


Get access to this course *PLUS 120+ others, for one low price.

$10 / MONTH $96 / YEAR (SAVE 20%)

No fees. Cancel anytime.

Recent Reviews

  • Very useful class

    This is NEEDED for all small business owners. Very informative and will help you manage money very well.

  • Easy & Encouraging

    Shanna’s course was simple and easy to follow and it’s really encouraged me to get my business finances organized and really track my money flow so I can do this full time. Thanks so much Shanna!

  • Finally Organized...Let's make some money!

    Great, easy to follow and execute with step-by-step direction broken down into the basics. Such a help for creatives that love the work but hate AND avoid the money management. Thanks for setting me straight!

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