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Elizabeth Olwen

Surface Designer

BEGINNER Skill Level

43 MINS Duration

A FREE class paid for by our friends at Cotton!

Have you ever thought about becoming a creative freelancer but are so overwhelmed you never even start? There's just SO much to learn! If only there was someone willing to show you the ropes...

We understand your pain! That's why we've teamed up with Cotton to bring you our Beginner's Guide to Creative Freelancing online class.

Your instructor will be professional surface pattern designer and creative freelancer Elizabeth Olwen. She's going to walk you through everything you need to know to get started on your freelancing journey and share all the knowledge she's accumulated over 10 years of freelancing. You'll learn about topics such as marketing yourself, pricing your business, understanding contracts, and creating 'work systems.' You’re going to walk away from this class with the knowledge, confidence, and actionable steps to finally launch your freelance career!


  • Promote and market yourself as a creative freelancer.
  • Understand different pricing structures and set the right rate.
  • Demystify documents like creative briefs and contracts (so important!).
  • Maintain productive “work systems” to effectively work with clients.


  • A list of Elizabeth’s five key tasks to get self-promotion off the ground.
  • The formula for putting together a simple yet effective elevator pitch.
  • Elizabeth’s personal recommendations for additional creative freelancing resources.
  • The confidence to start your creative freelance journey!

Now's the time to finally start pursuing your passion. Enroll in our FREE Beginner's Guide To Creative Freelancing online class today!

Beginner's Guide To Creative Freelancing

Learn how to get started as a creative freelancer.

Purchase this course individually

Please note you will not be refunded if you decide to upgrade to our B+C All Access Pass.


Get access to this course *PLUS 120+ others, for one low price.

$10 / MONTH $96 / YEAR (SAVE 20%)

No fees. Cancel anytime.

Recent Reviews

  • very informative

    This course was interesting and informative. Just the right amount of detail.

  • Great Class

    As someone stepping into the world of freelancing, this class was SO helpful. So many tips s to make it as a freelancer, thanks for creating this

  • Review of Beginner's Guide to Freelancing

    Succinct and to the point beginner's guide to freelancing. Love the 'work back' schedule example and specific templates and guides shared through the course.

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